Thursday, June 11, 2009

Picture to share

While shopping for a dress to wear under the cap and gown of our youngest and last (hurrah) child to graduate from high school, this black bird decided to perch on top of the car parked in front of ours. As is customary, most birds will fly off in a hurry as you approach the back of your car.

Mr. High-n-Mighty bird here decided he was either stupid or very brave. He did not fly off right away. I was able to get the camera out of the bag, move in much closer, focus it and take a pic or two before he flew off. One of those pics is this one.

I love the fact that you can see his eye a little bit and the fact that you can see the claws really well. I always knew birds had sharp claws but this guys claws are really long. Hate to be scratched by him! Hate to be a worm or other small animal in those clutches.

1 comment:

Del C ... ★ said...

Wow, that's a beautiful picture.. it almost looks like a painting! I lovee your blog.. following it!


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